Tales of SyzpenseMarch 21, 2023|In Arts, Comic|By nelsondaniel_olwbf6Covers B and A of Tales of Syzpense, new Split-book from @syzygypublishing with the amazing TP Louise @ashleywoodart @chris_ryall and yours truly. Coming in June by @imagecomics 2023 Image comics Tales of Syzpense nelsondaniel_olwbf6All author postsRelated Posts March 13, 2025DreamweaverArriving next week by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 March 13, 2025VultanFlash Gordon by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 February 17, 2025Moonshine BigfootArriving in April by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 PrevMain BlogNext