40 Salón del cómic de BarcelonaMay 6, 2022|In Comic|By nelsondaniel_olwbf61899 and 1959 from Planeta Comic at the 40 Salón del cómic dé Barcelona. Written by Francisco Ortega, drawn by yours truly, Editor Diego González. 1899 2022 Chile Graphic Novel nelsondaniel_olwbf6All author postsRelated Posts November 26, 2024GatchamanJoe The Condor by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 November 11, 2024The Last Wardens 6Cover color by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 November 4, 2024Godzilla DayHappy 70th anniversary! by nelsondaniel_olwbf6 PrevMain BlogNext